Case study
Cool Solution for Kuehne+Nagel Distribution Centre, Brinklow (UK)
Key information
Star Refrigeration Ltd.
Type of facility:
Storage and distribution centre
System start-up:
In 2012, the logistics provider Kuehne+Nagel was in need of a new refrigeration plant to extend an existing chilled storage facility for its distribution centre at Brinklow, where Kuehne+Nagel handles food and drink logistics for a leading supermarket chain. Goal was to design and build an eco-friendly, robust and reliable refrigeration plant for the new multi-temperature chill store.
Kuehne+Nagel required a flexible refrigeration plant with environmentally friendly natural refrigerants for a multi temperature chill store with a 56.000 sqft chamber for chilled goods and a 45.000 sqft produce chamber for fresh fruit and vegetables.
Star Refrigeration Ltd. designed, built and installed an environmentally conscious and highly efficient refrigeration plant for a multi temperature chill store, which operates the two chambers of the new chill store at different temperatures: the fresh produce chamber at +9°C and the chilled goods chamber at +2°C. Located externally, the applied system provides two air-cooled Azanechillers with ammonia as primary and glycol as secondary refrigerant. The cooling capacity of each unit accounts for 400 kW and operates with an ammonia charge of less than 0.45 kg/kW. Each unit includes two screen compressors, low noise drive motors, Star's low charge low pressure receiver and semi-welded PHE evaporator.
Technical data
Cooling capacity:
800 kW (2 x 400 KW), 180 kg per Azanechiller
Evaporating temperature:
-9°C at full load conditions
Condensing temperature:
+38.5°C at full load conditions
Main components:
Two air-cooled Azanechillers with ammonia as primary and glycol as secondary refrigerant.
Special features:
Star Refrigeration provided the refrigeration plant with a computerised control system, consisting of a HMI touch screen interface and an optional broadband connection for offsite remote monitoring.