Case study
Silver Bay Seafoods
Ammonia Spray Chiller / Silver Bay Seafoods, Alaska
Key information
Silver Bay Seafoods
Isotherm Inc.
Type of facility:
Custom designed Ammonia Spray Evaporator
System start-up:
Isotherm Inc., a Texas based manufacturer of RSW evaporators, condensers and systems supplied a custom designed Ammonia Spray Evaporator to Silver Bay Seafoods, a herring processor in Alaska.
The objective was to ensure environment-friendly and efficient refrigeration.
The design was based on a capacity of 2200 kW with ammonia suction at -28°C and sodium chloride brine flow rate of 795 m³/h with outlet temperature of -20°C.
Technical data
Refrigerant charge:
750-800 tons
Refrigerant volume:
250 kg
Special features:
Processing of 750 to 800 tons per day means nearly about twice as the average amount that was realized the year before