Case study
Trio Invest Distribution Centre
Trio Invest
Key information
Refrigeration for Trio Invest warehouse complex
Johnson Controls Denmark ApS
Type of facility:
cascade facility
System start-up:
Trio Invest, a food distribution company, has built a new warehouse complex with a total capacity of 22,000 tons at its distribution centre in Domodedovo, Russia. Johnson Controls equipped the warehouse with a carbon dioxide and ammonia cascade facility for refrigeration.
An economic and environmentally friendly refrigeration facility was called for, which would ensure that meat products, fish and vegetables would be stored and remain at consistent quality until further transport. The stipulation was to have five refrigeration rooms at -24°C, and five other rooms at 0°C.
Johnson Controls installed a two-phase refrigeration system, which uses carbon dioxide in the low-temperature circuit and ammonia in the high-temperature circuit.
Technical data
Cooling capacity:
2,500 kW
Refrigerant volume:
8,800 kg CO2
Evaporating temperature:
-32 ºC
Main components:
5 CO2 piston compressors, 4 NH3 screw compressors
Special features:
Using CO2 allowed for minimising the volume of NH3 used.