
Legal details / Provider identification

Concept & Digital Engineering:

NEUESDIGITAL ⋅ Digital Branding & Security
Owner Eric Steiner-Mantei ⋅ DE +49 179 541 36 32
Potsdam, Germany ⋅

Web design:

Kontx Kommunikation
Kennedyallee 93
D-60596 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 (0)69 6986 7914
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Picture source credits:

eurammon e.V. would like to thank all members and partners who have provided pictures for this website.

Website picture source: GEA Refrigeration Germany GmbH, GEA Refrigeration Technology, Johnson Controls System & Service GmbH, Güntner AG & Co. KG, SSP Kälteplaner AG, Photodisc

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The contents of this website are put together with the greatest of care. However, eurammon e.V. is not liable in any way for the provided contents being correct, complete and up to date. Use of the website contents is at the user's own risk. Articles bearing the names of certain persons reflect the opinion of the respective author and not necessarily the opinion of eurammon e.V. No contractual relationship of any kind comes into being between the user and eurammon e.V. simply by using the provider's website.

eurammon e.V. reserves the right to change or delete parts of the information provided or the whole website without giving special notice.

This website contains links to third-party websites ("external links"). Liability for these websites lies with the respective operator. On setting the links for the first time, eurammon e.V. checked the third-party content for any possible legal infringements. At that point in time, no legal infringements were apparent. eurammon e.V. has absolutely no influence on the current and future design and contents of the linked websites. Setting external links does not mean that eurammon e.V. embraces the contents behind the reference or link. eurammon e.V. cannot be reasonably expected to constantly check the external links without concrete evidence of legal infringements. However, such external links will be deleted immediately on learning of any legal infringements.


The contents of this website together with all illustrations and photos on eurammon e.V.'s website are protected by copyright and must not be adopted, duplicated and/or distributed without obtaining the consent of eurammon e.V. or of the copyright holder noted on the corresponding page.

Press releases, background articles and informative documents may be used in public communications. The same applies to logos and pictures offered as downloads for this purpose.

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eurammon e.V. affirms that the information provided by you will be treated confidentially in accordance with the legal provisions governing data protection.

Legal details / Provider identification