Product Directory

10% fertig
Die Technologie für den Produktkatalog ist grundsätzlich installiert, muss im Funktionsumfang und Layout jedoch noch weiter thematisiert werden, auch mit Blick auf den Mehraufwand, den das Power-Tool mit sich bringt (tbd)

Here you find our product catalog, which you can use to find suitable manufacturers for various products. Choose from various categories and entries. Use the search, which provides you with a specific selection according to your request. Our office will be happy to help you in case of any further questions.


Category: 43 brine cooled

We're meeting many of the world's climate, urbanization, and food challenges with proven and reliable solutions - and we're just getting started. The younger generations are ready for a sustainable transformation. We’re ready too. We have a bias for action, and we're confident that engineering will lead the way to a better future. Engineering solves challenges and drives society forward every day, across the world. By rethinking, crafting, building, and transforming, engineering is paving the way to a sustainable tomorrow.
