At a glance: eurammon`s technical committees (TC)
eurammon has three different technical committees (TC), chaired by Alexander Cohr Pachai, Stina Forsberg and Tommy Angback. The work in technical committees is essential for an association like eurammon. The knowledge gathered by our members in the committees is made available to the general public in the form of technical papers and is thus intended to promote the use of natural refrigerants. In addition, the TCs provide a platform for technical exchange between members, which means they are also a source of knowledge enhancement. This is a major benefit that most members greatly appreciate.
The three topics of "energy efficiency", "industrial heat pumps" and "secondary loop systems" are essential pillars that will help to achieve the EU’s energy efficiency goals, but also on a global level. Therefore, eurammon as an association is working on these topics at a very early stage, with the whole spectrum of our members.
The TC Heat Pumps is managed by Alexander Cohr Pachai. The TC Heat Pumps deals with the topic of industrial heat pumps that are based exclusively on natural refrigerants such as NH3, CO2, H2O, HC's. The aim is to promote industrial heat pumps in industrial processes and to show how they work and what advantages they have. As the TC is composed of industry representatives such as GEA (DE), Alfa Laval (SE), Star Refrigeration (UK) and Johnson Controls Denmark (DK+DE), it is able to discuss solutions and look at the topic from different angles. The TC Heat Pumps team has started its work by investigating standards for determining efficiency. Now that this is complete, the next step will be to find examples of projects for promoting heat pumps on different platforms. This is challenging and forward-looking work for the TC members - it requires a lot of know-how, but also a strong will to actively shape the development of this market. The goal of the TC is to motivate the industry to develop an understanding of heat pumps and to help companies see how they can use heat pumps in their production and greatly benefit from using them.
The TC Secondary Loop Systems is chaired by Stina Forsberg. eurammon set up this TC some time ago, bringing together manufacturers of components like heat exchangers and compressors, and producers of heat transfer fluids, but also engineering and design companies. The committee thus gives many representatives from the industry the opportunity to share their expertise. After recognising a need to increase the knowledge of secondary refrigeration systems in the industry, the committee made it its mission to see what could be done to expand the knowledge currently available. Its conclusion was to develop a secondary systems manual that would help contractors and installers design, install and maintenance secondary systems (for temperatures below 0˚C). The work is ongoing, and eurammon will be printing it in chapters. Our aim and hope is that the manual will serve as an ideal reference work for the use for secondary systems, ensuring they function properly and achieve longevity
Tommy Angback leads the third TC, which deals with energy efficiency. The team consists of about ten participants from Europe, the US, Australia, India and Southeast Asia - a very international team. The purpose of the Energy Efficiency TC is to collect, develop and publish information that identifies opportunities to increase energy efficiency in and through the use of natural refrigerant systems. All of this is to serve as a basis for eurammon and its members to communicate - to the ref. industry, end users and society - a more sustainable way forward through applying natural refrigerant systems. The team produces material to highlight best practice opportunities, but also innovations and technical news - always with TEWI (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) in mind and the LCC (Life Cycle Cost) perspective, to take into account both sustainability and the economic benefits of investments in energy efficiency. After setting up the framework, the TC created a directory for collecting cases and knowledge contributions for the team website. The material will provide eurammon with a basis for publishing material that raises awareness of potential energy efficiency opportunities in systems using natural refrigerants.